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I think you're hitting close to why I'm still "here", so to speak. There is little dignity to be had, any more. This thing has gone back and forth so long and so many times, with so much noise, confusion, and shitposting, that both sides have egg on their faces, and in the grand scheme of things, it's far from the most pressing injustice in the world today. Much of the noise that is GamerGate is a bunch of ineffectual noise on Twitter and hack blogs.

But the rest is why it's impossible to give up and accept defeat or the status quo. As much as devolves into identity politics and snarky jabs in the lull between incidents, there is still the undeniable conclusion that a clique of writers and the developers who love them have performed poorly, unprofessionally, and untowardly, and when called to the mat, they began to smear the people who called them there. I can't fade to the shadows or acquiesce to the people calling my morality suspect for not doing so, even when the prize is long spent and the grief is disproportionate, because, dammit, not only did those journos abide the corruption in their clique, they looked back at the the people trying to save their souls and disgraced them for the privilege, and that has not been apologized for, and it has not been reconciled. So even if this devolves into a slap fight over old grudges, and if I have to hold my nose and walk in the same parade with chan assholes, Twitter morons, and all manner of other folks who I both disagree with and invite disdain for walking aside, I still can't renounce, because the wrong still stands unrighted.

... Okay, rant aside, I will say it's more than just a matter of pure principle-- This sort of insular incestuous cliqueishness makes for unfair disadvantages to those who don't either toe the line or live in SF with all the right friends, and that's detrimental to both indie developers (actual in-dependent ones) and players whose niches go unfilled because of stagnation for fear of backlash.

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