(Spoilers Extended) Questions about Cersei's legitimacy as Queen.

"Her strength comes from her lords"

Lol you just said that all the lords wont support her in tour first comment. The richest family in the world, with one of the biggest armies, the biggest fleet (no one else comes close) in one of the most fortified castles with the gold, red, and white cloaks all defending her. The iron bank of her side. Dragon killing weapons and wild fire. How is this not power? And if people didnt fear her they WOULD rise up against her, but they also have to accept the fact theres like a 50/50 chance Cersei tries to burn down the whole city with wildfire if they tried.

Also I ask, do you really think the entire seven kingdoms are gonna up and March kn kings landing to demand the removal of Cersei? It's another plot point in the show that the lesser houses and commoners dont give a shit about the game of thrones, they're just trying to live their lives without some highborn pricks are infighting and ends up ruining your life. If Cersei being queen means stability and less war kost people arent going to care who's actually sitting the throne. This isnt even opinion this is stated fact within the series. At this point theres hardly any players left in the game and everyone else just wants it to be summer already.

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