(SPOILERS) Photo of (SPOILER) Omega's Entrance

I am assuming Omega's injuries are healed and the brace and compression shirt are just kayfabe, but it makes you wonder why they felt the need to include him still being injured as part of the story.

Dubbalos will probably say something like "he came back early to help his friends" but the problem with that is

(a) the Trios titles mean fuck all

(b) Kenny was a heel last time we saw him, and the Bucks were heels until recently, and didn't really turn for any other reason except some other heels turned on them.

Omega seems firmly positioned as a babyface now, and the people received him as one. But no one else in that stable -- the Bucks, Cutler, Nakazawa, Don fucking Callis -- is over as a good guy to the fans.

So the story is a returning hero, rushing a comeback to help a bunch of guys you don't like, to win a set of titles that no one cares about that much.

Not exactly the best use of a main event star, especially with the world title scene being as sparse as it is.

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