The Squall Tornado should disappear after the hunter dies.

If the bubble titan pops out and you kill him (or if you kill him inside the bubble) the bubble dies. Anything is a counter. It's annoying, but because it's static it doesn't force you into unoptimal positioning, when they pop it you don't have to rotate in a major way to avoid negative effects.

You've changed your mind from shutting off half a map to making players move.

That has been what I've been arguing from the start, as I just pointed out in my last post. Literally my first response is talking about it displacing teams. Your lack of reading comprehension is not an "aha".

What happens when a team is pushing with a super and you don't have one to counter?

Guns? Not being able to kill behemoth just with teamshotting is the biggest reason it was so broken. Same with mid tree defender. Iirc it was the same case for novawarp and initially with the stasis warlock subclass (wide range made it very difficult to kill people).

See I'm showing examples of things that counter your point and counter revenant and you are just being like "nah, it's not a counter"

I am saying your "counters" either require one non meta super tree or require the other team to do exactly why I am saying it being invulnerable is a problem - moving to unoptimal positioning so long as the Hunter uses any level of strategy with their throw is exactly the purpose of the super. Crowd control.

Supers counter supers, not allowing it to be classed as a counter because it's a super is stupid,

Supers are optimal counters. You don't have to pop a super to kill any other super in the game. And, again, this is a single super in one off meta subclass tree.

As I said before, imagine if the only way tether or the nova bomb could be countered was either using mid tree defender or having to move most of the way across the map... Alternatively, just imagine if the slowva couldn't be killed.

Your biased is showing

I am pointing out examples from other classes of this exact same problem - of this exact same element no less. You ignoring them to call me biased shows that you're the biased one here.

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