Starting a long road back to shape. What can I do to make my workout shorter?

This is where your problem is. Instead of eating in the morning to fuel your body to burn calories the rest of the days, you are eating at night when you don't do any activities. So instead of being able to burn calories from your morning meal your body could be in some sort of pseudo-starvation mode. Black coffee in the morning helps you because its kind of cuts your appetite. Just think about it like this, if at the end of the day you are eating 1000 calories and not being active it just turns straight to fat when you sleep because you are not burning it off.

You can also calculate your normal calorie needs with a TDE calculator I don't have one handy. I believe the psuedo rule is that for every week you eat at a 500 calorie deficit you lose a pound.

Secondly you can up the intensity out of your cardio, I tend to do 15-20minutes of HIIT(High intensity interval training) I do 30 second jog,30second sprint intervals x15-20 cycles. You can always start at your own pace 15 sec sprint/ 45 sec "recovery jog" the main thing with this is to keep your heart rate up. If you have a back injury bike or swim?

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