Startup expects to have lab grown chicken breasts approved for US sale within 18 months at a cost of under $8/lb.

I thought the message you were trying to convey had truth to it.

Good for you! Thinking stuff on your own!

I just wonder why some people are so impolite when they are posting online.

Because the Internet leaves literally no room for subtlety. I'd happily buy you a beer and shoot the shit about personal histories and philosophy and shit, but that's just now how the Internet works. Gotta stick to one subject at a time.

I suppose if you talk to strangers like this in real life it makes sense that you'd do the same online, even though I can't imagine that you'd make many friends that way.

I'm borderline famous. I have way more people seeking my time than I give a fuck about, and I also have learned that friendship has nothing to do with people who thoughtlessly suck you off without using critical thinking or anything else. Yeah, I'm probably gonna be short on friends forever at this point, excepting the great ones I have. That's never been my goal though. I like to be right.

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