Stay or go? Paid to do nothing

Stay for now and save money. Plan your life for the next years since you are earning well. You should consider that there might be events where you will need finance in the future. So, plan today, how do you intend to keep the cashflow going if in case you went switched to a job with a lower pay. Sooner or later, if you want to have a family of your own, use this time to be financially ready for that. Also, it would be best, if you can establish your own business so that when you grow old and can't work or apply for it, you still have income. When you are satisfied with how you are financially secure, go find the job that fulfills you. You will be lucky if you find it with a good pay, but moat of the times, it might be a lower pay and you can't tell if at that time, something will happen that you might need a lot of finance for that. Follow the advice of others to take masters today as well, upskill and invest on your own properties)

/r/phcareers Thread