Steam now makes it easier to spot early-access games!

So can I buy a toilet, and criticize the toilet company because it can't make toast? No? Why, because it's not a toaster?

What point are you making? Obviously I wouldn't think a toilet could make toast. Likewise, Bohemia Interactive are selling a zombie apolcolypse multi-player survival game. Being in Early Access doesn't protect it from criticism, especially when they're charging $35 for a product that from everything I've ever heard about it is unfinished. If they want people to overlook its unfinished state, they should charge less.

If I yell at the Salesman on the floor that my toilet is unable to produce toast, is that good criticism? no, it isn't. Instead of bitching on Reddit, submit bug reports, or however you contact the devs about the issues with the games. Complaining about somthing, then not doing anything about it is to common. Yes, it has been in EA for over a year. They're doing more than just making a game on a developed game engine. They're making the engine as they make the game. Expect it to be done a few years from now as such. Also, some other great games, like /r/kerbalspaceprogram have been in development since 2011. 2 years more than DayZ, and has only recently hit Beta. And that's a game on Unity, a game engine that is already developed.

People have been submitting bug reports since the game first launched. The game is almost infamous for its bugs. By this point, if the developers don't know that their game has problems then they are incompetent. And a poor choice on their part (not having a finished engine when the game hit Steam) does not excuse the game.

So you're criticizing a game, that you haven't played? You should think about buying it. It's a great game that has nothing but negative people talk about it. The best way to play it is with people, get some friends in on it and you'll have a blast, assuming you can get past the learning curve

No, I'm criticizing the notion that a game being "Early Access" protects it from criticism. They really want to have people test the game so they can improve it? Hire Beta Testers, that's literally why they exist. Can't afford Beta Testers? Release a tech demo, the first few levels, etc. for free and work off the feedback from that. Early Access is a tool for developers to make money, plain and simple. Which is fine, because some indie developers genuinely need that money. I just think it's foolish to buy a game that's incomplete and hope that maybe the developer will live up to their promises. I treat Early Access games as I treat any other game; if what's already there looks fun, and I feel it's priced right, I will buy it. If the developers intend to make it even better, hey, that's just a bonus.

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