Still hoping the Alliance gets High Elves and the Horde Undead Elves

A summary of WoW's history in regard to high elves:

Alliance Players: "We want high elves!"

Blizzard with BC: "Blood elves are Horde now. You get space goats"

Alliance Players: "Space goats are stupid! We really want high elves! They're still in Dalaran, an Alliance city!"

Blizzard with WotLK: "Dalaran is now neutral"

Alliance Players: "We still really want high elves! We love our pretty elves!"

Blizzard with Cata: "Stormwind, meet Deathwing. Say goodbye to the elf district"

Alliance Players: "Fix SW! Give us High Elves! They can start in Theramore!"

Blizzard in Mists: "Did you say Theramore? There's no Theramore... ok, ok. That was a little harsh. Dalaran is yours again. Just not in game. And we'll fix the front of SW. But ONLY the front. We're too good to you"

Alliance Players: "Fix the park! How is it even still burning!? It should be replaced and become the high elf district!"

Blizzard in WoD: "In case you didn't notice, we like orcs. You guys need to learn to appreciate your space goats."

Alliance Players: "I guess with the slightest bit of effort, draenei aren't all that bad... We still have a flaming capital though... and we still want high elves."

Blizzard in Legion: "Ok, we'll fix the park... WITH THE GRAVE OF YOUR BELOVED KING!! BWAHAHAHAAA! Oh, Vereesa is back btw..."

Alliance Players: "Vereesa!! She can be the leader for our high elves in the future! It's perfect!"

Blizzard in BfA: "Introducing: allied races. ENJOY MORE SPACE GOATS SUCKAAASSS! And just so you don't all rage-quit, here are some more purple elves for the Alliance that are ALMOST high elves, but aren't. Screw it. PURPLE ELVES FOR EVERYONE!"

Alliance Players: "..."

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