The Story behind the Vault of Glass

It annoys me that Pahanin has been retrofitted (seemingly by the dialogue in "Paradox") as part of Kabr's fireteam, in Vanilla Panahin never entered the Vault of Glass - Kabr was the only person who entered to make it out, he went back in and didn't come out the second time...

"His name was Kabr. He wasn’t my friend but I knew and respected him as a Guardian and a good man. He fought the Vex alone. This destroyed him. In the time before he vanished he said things that I think should be remembered. These are some of them: “In the Vault time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle. No one can open the Vault alone. I opened the Vault. There was no one with me but I was not alone. You will meet the Templar in a place that is a time before or after stars. The stars will move around you and mark you and sing to you. They will decide if you are real. I drank of them. It tasted like the sea.” That is all I can remember."

Pahanin on the Vault of Glass Grimoire card

Pahanin became scared of that loneliness that Kabr suffered and created the Super Good Advice with AI, or sentience so that he would never be alone.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread