Story Time - Week of January 11, 2016

Well, I went on a tinder date with a guy last weekend that was fun and engaging, but he made absolutely zero advances and ended the evening with a hug outside of the bar. He was fairly good looking but short, although to be fair he had warned me of this in text prior to the date. He text me after saying I looked amazing and he wanted to see me again, so I decided maybe he was shy and agreed to another date. We text throughout the week and Saturday morning he said he was feeling sick and cancelled the date. He's still texting me but I've stopped responding... very strange.

Friday night I went to a dinner party and felt like going out after, so I met up with some girlfriends at a bar. One of them knew a table of guys outside and said she thought I may like one, so we ended up spending the rest of the night at the table drinking with them. The guy was young professional like myself and we really hit it off. When last call came, he asked if I wanted to go over to his friends place to keep drinking and I agreed, although my friends decided to leave. I gave him a ride (he had come with his friend) but when we got there, it was just he and I inside and his two friends outside with two other girls. He asked if I wanted to go to his place instead, and I said sure. We got there, he put in a movie, and while we were talking he kissed me. I was pretty drunk and giggly and the whole thing was very relaxed. We made out a bit and I end up giving him a terrible bj- I feel bad now even thinking about it. My mouth was dry bc I was so drunk and when he asked me a question, I answered with him still inside my mouth (whyyyyyy). He finished and seemed happy, so we stayed on his couch watching the movie and kept talking. I tell him I'm tired and need to leave, and he teases that I can't go without giving him my number. I text him when I got home and he responded saying he had a great time, but I haven't heard back from him since. I'm kind of bummed bc he was cute and I really enjoyed talking to him, but oh well. It was the absolute first time I've seen a penis within hours of meeting a person so I'm happy to have reached that milestone in my late 20s haha.

/r/Tinder Thread