Straight females of reddit, who is the best looking woman alive?

Now, pay attention, I have something very important to say. You are not creative. You're not the first one to think of reversing a top post. You're not even remotely close to clever for having posted this.

I don't know who you think you are, and I don't know what you're after. If it's karma you want, you're not going to get any. What you are going to get is a lot of hate; hate from people like me who are sick of reading the same shit posts for hours because some miserable little twat like you decides to ignore the search bar and assume they're the only one with the idea to try and ride on the coattails of those more successful than themselves.

I've got news for you; you're not. There's a reason why none of the countless other posts identical to this one haven't gotten popular, and it's because the topic is already partially covered. Their failure is not an excuse for you to drop another carbon copy turn into the new queue; it's a warning to you that what you're doing is idiotic, unwanted, and quite frankly in poor taste.

If I could slap you through the internet, I would do so until my hands grew sore. I would grab you by the shoulders and shake until you're dizzy and can't remember what day it is. I would wipe your hard drive and sell your computer to the local pawn shop because you, my friend, are showing an extreme lack of responsibility by posting such shit without regard for the community at large. Fuck you, and fuck your lazy freeloading ass with a rake. Get off my sub, get out of my internet, and get your hand off the fucking post button, because your reddit privileges should be immediately revoked. I hope this post gets downvoted to oblivion. Good day, and good riddance.

/r/AskReddit Thread