To the Strip Club Guy - This is Important. You need to read this.

People here are trying to be nice to you, to help you out and be somewhat subtle, but you're just not getting it. Having read your posts here, I can tell you for sure: you are not average. 19 years old, never having kissed a girl: not average. Turning down dates with eligible girls because they've "had too many boyfriends already": not average. Stupid. Occupying your mind with and posting on the internet about some ridiculous perceived "special privileges" for women because they're women, regarding which at your age you would have zero information, experience or education (no. you don't. so shut up.): not average. Stupid, presumptuous, immature. Playing video games all day instead of going out and doing stuff: not average. Possibly a little too common these days, but definitely not average. Seriously, I have some misgivings about the way this has come to light, but since you're here: shut up and stop making pronouncements about women. It makes you look stupid. Stop playing video games all day, go out and get a life. Don't be such a fucking loser. Seriously. You're only 19 years old for fuck sakes, stop acting like you're so world weary, you're barely out of the womb for chrissakes. Don't like where your romantic life has gotten you so far? What a shocker! What did you expect by this age? And instead of constantly defending the ridiculous attitudes, maybe take the hint from the women on here telling you: you're wrong, you don't know everything yet, the more you act like this the longer it's going to take for any woman in her right mind to have anything to do with you, stop talking/pronouncing and start listening, maybe you'll learn something. And get some dignity while you're at it. There's no shame in being single, but there is a lot of shame in the way you're behaving, with good reason. Turn off your computer and go outside for a walk or something, for fuck sakes.

/r/toronto Thread Parent