Students and ex-students of Reddit, what injustices have you experienced or witnessed from teachers or school administration?

I was bullied by the head teacher of the department.

I was class rep, we had a complaint. We respectfully formulated the issue and I had people sign it.

What we, or at least I, did not know was that the teacher in question had helped set up most of the things we found issue with.

Our letter was set aside as nothing but a personal attack on her views. She blamed me.

This woman took over roles of different teachers just so she could grade me / control me. She took over my mentor's role for example.

I was the only student who had to send in a weekly report: Everything I sent in over the course of 3-4 months was declared insufficient 8 days before the deadline. No comments anywhere, just an F.

She had to visit my internship at least once, for which I tried to make multiple appointments, none of which she even showed up for. I got blamed.

She talked to other teachers about me. I usually carpooled with a fellow student, we were 10 minutes late because of a traffic incident. He could still enter the class, I couldn't "because headteacher had warned her about me".

I had a friend in a different class turn in the same assignment as me. (dangerous, I know) He got a B, I got an F. The same paper, different teacher.

Meanwhile, things at my internship couldn't be better. On their own accord, they wrote a letter to my school / school counsellor regarding my situation. The counsellors said there was nothing they could do.

I mulled over what happened for months. I lost hope, I lost my motivation to help people, I lost interest in the job. It took me even longer to finally accept my situation and move on.

I eventually found a job, in my field. I got a chance to prove myself and took it. My boss couldn't be happier with me now and I'm now a published writer. I finally paid of my student debt (which was higher than average because I took longer and didn't get to finish) three years ago.

I turned out ok, but I wouldn't recommend my path. If you feel you're getting bullied try to resolve it with your teachers / councellors first. If that doesn't work go to a different university. Don't hang around like I did, it won't get better. Cut your losses and get out.

Around the time I came to acceptance I spoke to an old teacher from that time. He told me the headteacher picked on at least one student every year. Make of that what you will.

/r/AskReddit Thread