Students of Reddit, have you ever lost your temper with a teacher? What's your story?

Not quite sure if this counts. I (23f) struggle with depression, and I wasn’t medicated until the end of my senior year of high school. Just before this, I was going through a particularly rough patch. My high school allowed us to exempt our final exams for the last semester of senior year as long as we had at least a C and had missed no more than 5 days of that class. One day I woke up feeling like I could barely function, but since I knew I would fail my physics exam if I had to take it, I decided that I would go to school and do only what was absolutely necessary. When I got to physics, I sat at my desk near the back of the room and decided I would just listen to the lecture. At some point my teacher, whom I didn’t really care for any day, told me to put my hood down and I did, but I felt like her tone was a little harsh. Other people in the room picked up on this and looked at me sort of confused (I was a good kid and never got in trouble). A few minutes later she called me out for not taking notes. Again, confused glances. I was told later that they could all tell that I was having a rough day and looked like I had been crying and they were very confused about why she was being so hard on me. I took out a pen and paper hoping she would leave me alone. A few minutes later she called me out for “staring her down” insinuating that I was trying to intimidate her (I was literally just looking at her like normal because I was listening to her talk, but maybe she mistook my swollen watery eyes for some sort of glare? Idk, she’s a bitch). At this point I felt like I was going to just break down and was so frustrated that I just picked up my phone and my keys and left. So not quite the “big fight” losing my temper, but as a normally very quiet and well mannered teenager, it was a pretty bold move for me. Especially for people who knew that teacher. She’s been there about 20 years and apparently I was the only one to ever walk out of her class. I ultimately didn’t get in any trouble for it. The vice principal who talked to me when I tried to leave campus was very understanding, my boyfriend explained my side of the situation to the teacher when he went to get the rest of my stuff, and my mom was pissed at the teacher for basically bullying me out of the room. I really don’t know why she decided to fuck with me. I think maybe she just kinda knew I didn’t like her, although I never treated her disrespectfully, and is one of those people who automatically goes on offense instead of trying to be understanding. At that point I was a 105lb teenaged girl, so literally not intimidating at all. If it sounds like I’m still salty it’s because I am. Fuck that bitch.

/r/AskReddit Thread