Study of 95,000 children finds no link between MMR vaccines and autism, even within high-risk populations

I don't have any autistic kids. I have no reason to blame vaccines for anything. But I strongly believe that vaccines have caused autism. The reason I believe this is because there's literally hundreds of cases of it widely available to the public. Before you ask, i'll link you to a sampling of them.

There's 5 of the original court document sources. Here's excerpts from each one.

Richelle Oxley: DPT shot reaction: post-pertussis vaccine encephalopathy “…no evidence to overcome the strong probability that the DPT was the most likely cause. Richelle’s disabilities include autistic-like behavior, hyperactivity, and partially controlled seizures. The court finds further that all other statutory requirements have been met, and concludes that petitioners are entitled to compensation for injuries sustained as a result of the DPT vaccine administered on July 30, 1979.”

Hannah Poling: MMR vaccine “Court ruled in favor of compensation due to the significant aggravation of child’s pre-existing mitochondrial disorder based on an MMR vaccine Table presumptive injury of encephalopathy, which eventually manifested as chronic encephalopathy with features of autism spectrum disorder and a complex partial seizure disorder as a sequelae.”

Eric Lassiter: DPT vaccine Eric was completely healthy prior to a DPT booster. His is a “known case of static encephalopathy after DPT immunization.” Based on the court’s own findings of fact and the reasons proffered by Dr. Lichtenfeld, the court concludes that Eric, more likely than not, sustained an encephalopathy and that the first manifestation of onset of the injury occurred within the Table time frame. Elias Tembenis: Death after DTaP vaccination. This little boy had seizures after receiving a DTaP shot…but was still given boosters and other vaccines. In 2002, doctors noted that Elias had features of Pervasive Developmental Disorder (“PDD”), which is an autism spectrum disorder. He died in 2007, at age 7. The immediate cause of death was multisystem organ failure, which was a consequence of cardiac arrest…which was a consequence of Elias’s seizure disorder.

Here's a video reporting on the landmark case won of dozens of parents who's kids had numerous seizures and degressed into autism within 12 hours of receiving a vaccination shot. A special note on this video is one of the persons suing is pro-vaccine:

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