My 11 year old sent these messages. It shouldn’t be like this.

Fair retort; all points made were valid.

I'm simply asserting that, based on my experience with my parents, I found your conversation with your child a bit verbose, precise, impersonal, cerebral, and just a tinge anodyne (even for a brief text conversation between a parent and their child. It didn't seem normal. It didn't seem brief and familiar. There were limited contractions, few imperfections; no text slang (perhaps what stood out most to me, really)

Translation: it seemed a little too formal to me. Not very relaxed, comforting, home-y; unlike what a normal dialogue between a parent and their child would usually be.

But hey, what the hell do i kno? Idk shit about your child and your connection with them. It's also not my business how you parent your kids and it never will be. I just lobbed my unfettered, half-baked opinion about your conversation with your kid onto the internet, specifically Reddit. So who cares what the fuck I have to say about something i dont know any of the details about and never will. It's deeply personal and therefore my commentary is null, and if you don't think it is, here's me stating here and now for the record: let what i have to say about you and your child GO.

I could go on and on and further edit, alter, correct, gild, embroider and add a thousand other perfect little details for fucking pages and pages but that's bullshit because none of this even matters. I shouldn't have even wasted my free time responding to this, not to slight or disrespect you, but to not waste like ten minutes of my life. I'm also cutting this one short cuz I gotta get off the pot at some point, I still have shit to do today.

TL;DR: You thought my first comment was really strange? Buckle up, pal. This one's worth the read.

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