Sunday dating thread, for advice and discussion.

Is my dating/love life essentially ruined?

My dad is in a lot of debt, struggling with bills with his business, and my mom is mentally unstable. She sits around, spends all the money, and has broken many relationships in the family. She was arranged to marry my dad and she pretty much ruined his life.

I have a good job and I've always wanted to find that special someone to marry, but my dad has nothing saved for retirement and is in debt due to troubles with the business and my mom wasting all of the money.

I currently live at home, I've been saving money, and I want to eventually move out.

The issue is that if the business ever fails, my dad has mentioned that they would have to move back to India.

Just a note, my dad is a very selfless person and I respect him a lot. He doesn't expect anything from me as far as being his retirement plan. My mom on the other hand, I will completely cut her off once I leave my house. She expects us to all live together, get a huge house, even though she doesn't work and she spends money like it grows on trees.

The problem??

If my dad were ever to lose the business, I would be at a moral conflict of having to step up and take care of him.

Of course I want to take care of him, I wouldn't mind living with me at all since he's the best roommate I've ever had technically speaking.

But as soon as I do that, my dating prospects go out the window. No American women wants to date a guy who is taking care of his parent.

My dads side is incredibly wealthy as well, especially his dad.

No one in the family is going to help my dad out financially I feel like (my dad would never ask). Even though they own multiple businesses and are filthy rich. It really pisses me off because my dad is a good man who worked hard but got fucked over.

No one even helped him with his shitty marriage. Everyone was like "it's your problem, deal with it" and just turned a shoulder.

It sucks that I look at my friends who have well off parents and they have the opportunity to do whatever they want in life while I'm stuck here worried about my dating life going down the shitter because my dad isn't wealthy enough.

I have a young sister, but she doesnt have to worry about shit, she can go about and just enjoy her life.

/r/ABCDesis Thread