Sunday dating thread, for advice and discussion.

I said I prefer desi men and actively tried to date them, and I got rejected repeatedly by these educated dudes, for being "too Westernized."

You don't have to and that's not my point. Which educated dudes?

And I didn't generalize. I said it was my experience, one that happened in a very particular class, educational group, and geographic region.

You never specified that. Using qualifiers like "some", "in my experience", "many" might absolve you from generalizations but the consequences, not so much. "In my experience desi feminists hate brown men and pedestalize white men". Is that any better?

I do not think that white men as a group are more open-minded FFS.

Thanks for clarifying that.

EDIT: Also, pointing out certain strains of misogyny in our culture is not "racism" or "self hate." I don't have to accept being a second-class human in the interest of "tradition." Unless you think that sexism is an innate part of being desi, it's possible to be a proud desi, to be attracted to desis, and call out desis being sexist.

I am absolutely all for calling it out. But that's not what you did. You generalized desi men. When it could be his mom or the notorious "aunty" that's responsible? Call out the culture, not the men who are already the lowest class in America.

If anything I find the mainstream progressive and feminist movements are too accepting of non-white misogyny in the interest of political correctness.

Strongly disagree. It never spoke for desi men or Asian men until past two years. Before that, if an asian man talked about emasculation he was immediately thrown with the misogynist label. Today we have mainstream media talking about it. Two years ago when the Indian rape issue became prominent, it was black feminists who spoke out about colonial tangents in the way white feminists and desi feminist talked about it because they knew what happened to black men. the only non-brown misogyny that gets a free pass is muslim ones. That because, islamophobia of the right throws the leftists into a defensive spin theyre unable to recover from.

With that I don't think I am interest any further in this absurd, pointless discussion. Respectfully withdrawing.

/r/ABCDesis Thread Parent