Supervisor sleeping with employee

This is the type of answer I was looking for so thank you.

I agree with everything you said about the rumors, and I'm wondering if it makes any difference that I've seen written proof that Marcy said it to someone (my gf) within the organization? I do not want to be seen as "spreading rumors" in any capacity, and wasn't sure whether or not it's still a rumor given the credibility of the source and the text messages I've seen.

I would also like to make clear that despite what my tone of writing might have indicated, I am not leaning "Team Marcy" or "Team Bryan" and my only concern is to protect my position, the company itself and its owners. If this is true, I am certainly more mad at Bryan for being a dumbass and a bad supervisor than I am at Marcy for being a promiscuous girl.

Also agree that if this is true, Bryan is the one in the position of power and he is the one abusing it 100% and I absolutely would not want that to continue either for a few reasons but mostly 1) so that Marcy has a work environment she can be comfortable and thrive in and 2) to protect the company from any liablity.

Thank you for pointing out the comments on her attire. Would never be my intention to paint it as "she deserved it" or anything like that. It's actually something she's been given a formal write-up for previously, and was something pointed out to me by one of my female coworkers- I'd never noticed how she dressed when going to events with him but once it was pointed out I couldn't NOT notice it. Should I decide to bring this situation to ownership, I'll be sure not to mention anything of that nature, though I feel like it wouldn't be out of the blue as we do have official disciplinary documentation of her attire.

I am not arguing their relationship is wrong because they work together. I stated in previous comments I have knowledge of other employees within the company being intimate as well, and while that may be awkward, it was never a supervisor with someone working underneath them so it was never something to concern myself with. This is the first such case of me finding out about a superior having intimate relations with a direct subordinate.

As for my relationship, like I mentioned, my gf and I have been with the company since very early on, and are more than employees to the owners (as in we get invited to their house for birthdays and things of that nature) and the owners are hyper-aware of our relationship. Our HR director has actually praised us for being so professional that they haven't received so much as one comment or question about the nature of our relationship. Of course that's easy when we work in separate departments as well.

All that being said, my career is the most important thing to me right now and I've made it clear to my girlfriend from the beginning that if I felt our relationship was holding me back professionally that I would sever ties. I am not worried about any scrutiny this may bring my relationship.

The only thing I want to do is the right thing for the role I'm currently in.

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