Susan Sarandon: Hollywood Constantly Rewards "Mediocrity" and Actors Who "Don’t Ask Questions"

You have no point, you linked an article of an illegal immigrant being deported. I wish he took the time to get his status in order, shouldn't you get mad at him for being here for decades and not doing that? HE did this to himself and his family, not Trump or ICE.

In fact, for many people things are now a lot worse.

Prove it, linking illegal immigrants being deported isn't proof - show me actual proof that life is somehow "a lot worse" under trump.

so maybe take your utter lack of empathy to /r/CringeAnarchy where you'll find like-minded inhumanity.

I'm actually not sure what you mean? I've never been on that sub and I checked it, no clue what that has to do with this though.

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