My (F 21) Boyfriend (M23) won't let me wear certain things or post bikini pics on instagram but wants to go to strip club, do I have the right to say I don't want him to?

I think you should post whatever you want on Instagram and he should go to the strip club if he wants. Controlling behavior is not healthy, on either end. Be who you are and see if he loves your for YOU and not the fake you that is being controlled by him and vice versa. If he’s a guy that likes going to strip clubs, why would you want him to be a different guy? And vice versa.

Ugh So many posts about people wanting to control each other in relationships - it drives me nuts! It’s like people don’t fall in love with each other, they fall in love with the idea of another and then want to mold that other to fit their predetermined specifications. That’s now love IMO. Be who you are. Let him be who he is. Then see if you two are still interested in each other and if not find someone who is!

/r/relationship_advice Thread