Caught on camera: All-out brawl breaks out at Philadelphia subway station

The reason for the fights is because black males aren't allowed to be black males any more, aggressive males with tournament species in their DNA are seen as defective females. Recesses are being shrunk and taken away. No fidgeting, compliance every minute of every hour of every day, rigid schedules in public schools that discourage higher order thinking skills in favor of compliance and script-following. That's not natural and it's reaching a tipping point. Males are a tournament species, we beat the shit out of each other so the ones that remain are of higher quality.

Personally I see nothing wrong with this, the ruling classes look on with jaws hung open as if their pure crystal fortress has been sullied by their anger. I see these explosions as the fruits from the defective public school system. We're waking up as timid cats on the land our fathers conquered. The people who arrived to this country were all traitors, they got on ships, stuck a pole into the beach in Massachusetts and to the people already there: "I'm going to count to ten, and if I still see you, you're all dead". Those are our ancestors: Fighters.

Machiavellianism, dark triad, psychopathy, sociopathy, and the aggressive alpha male in all his splendor, emulating the villain rather than the hero, not apologizing for non compliance, considering the whipped as more of a thing to align yourself with rather than the person cracking the whip. Hit movies coming out recently like Iron man, hunger games, insurgent, divergent, in time, I could list tens more, these are all glorifying the defiant and leaving the timid with nothing. You pass judgement, but those kids may be the ONLY ones who come around to being actual productive members of society, not taking the bullshit dream they've been handed and take matters into their own hands, building their own companies and employing thousands or else being a traitors and aligning with sovereigns hostile to the west. It's the cuckolded beta males who seek compliance, keep their hands folded on their lap, looking for validation, they get out into the work force, they get their car, smartphone and bills, and can't hold down a job, get the work-a-day go nowhere working-poor jobs, complaining that they studied hard with a bachelors and a masters, why aren't there any jobs?

Please oh please why won't someone just tell me how to be nice so I can have my bowl of food and unfair share? The children are smarter than then you might take them for, they see something is wrong. the defiance here is a symptom of a much larger problem with the public school system in America. It may be a time for another Tea party. Mass exodus from the american dream as half the former middle class goes on welfare as the 1% earn ten thousand times more than ever before. You say the wrong thing, you're going to get hit. And you hit the wrong guy, the alliances are going to retaliate. Your suggestion that this shouldn't be the case is the modern phenomenon to explain.

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