It takes rather a lot to dishearten an Irishman.... it would seem. NSFW

Title is true. Myself and my two friends are Irish so i'll just share 3 quick stories.

About 7-8 years ago i was drinking with my friends beside a fire, one of my friend thought it would be fun to make a flame thrower from a can of spray, he set my arm on fire i didn't notice until the flames were quite big, i was wearing a cardigan sort of thing which zips up to the neck. Yes the obvious thing did happen the zip got stuck so for about a minute my arm was on fire while i was trying to pull down the zip which i couldn't do. My friend out of nowhere runs over to me like the hulk and just rips the cardigan open, i take it off we continue drinking just staring at my skin hanging far from my arm so we finish the drink and then i go to the doctors to get patched up (continued returning to the doctors every morning for 2 weeks to get the bandage changed until one morning my doctor wasn't there so i had to wait for another, he said my arm was seriously infected ..... so i went to the hospital for a weeks stay to get rid of the infection and shit but they didn't give me a skin graph cause they thought it would heal fully, to this day it's not healed but looks better than what it was, also it sometimes goes dark purple)

story #2 (much quicker)

It was the final game of the season(football/soccer) i was just watching because i picked up an injury in training but my friend was playing, he was running with the ball and he tried to do a bit of skill and tore his ligament, he kept trying to get up to continue playing and refused to come off until the assiant manager litearlly just walked over to him and lifted him off ( he was out on crutches for 6 months)

Story #3

We were playing a Gaelic football match, my friend went to catch the ball but somehow it landed in between his index and middle finger, it got wedged right it and tore his skin, he couldn't stop laughing because the ball was literally stuck in between his fingers. but because of the amount of blood that was poring out he had to quickly go get it cleaned up and glued back together, i'll never forget the image of him walking to the car with the ball just stuck like it was apart of him.

Ahhh fun times.

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