"Teach men not to rape!" "We shouldn't have to teach men not to rape!"

Your stupidity is beyond measure. Do you know why I lock the doors on my house? Because I don't want to get robbed. Do you know why I take self defence classes? I don't want to get beat up/murdered. Do you know why I keep a virus protection on my computer and all my passwords are unique and complicated? I don't want to be hacked.

If somebody gets robbed because they left their door open when they went on a vacation, you think they go crying "Boohoo teach robbers not to steal!" and get taken seriously?

If somebody picks a fight with a UFC fighter and gets beaten up, do you think they go crying "Boohoo teach people not to beat me up!" and get taken seriously?

If somebody doesn't have a virus protection on their computer and all their passwords is "1234" and their paypal account gets wiped out that they go crying "Boohoo teach hackers not to hack!" and get taken seriously?

The answer to all of those is obviously FUCK NO, BECAUSE THAT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE, so why the fuck would "Teach rapists not to rape" make any more sense? They know rape is wrong, they know they're facing a long jail sentence plus their reputation being demolished for the rest of their lives, but some sick fucks are willing to take that risk, are willing to hurt a human being in such a way, and a person who's that fucked up, can't be taught "not to rape", at that point all you can do is protect yourself.

Smart people a.k.a. not retarded people take preventative measures to possible serious threats, because it makes fucking sense.

I seriously don't know how I could put it more simply, if you can't see the fucking flawed logic in your argument now you are a lost cause and doomed to be retarded for the rest of your life, have fun not taking any preventative measures in your life and just whine when shit happens to you, princess, as if that's going to do anything.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - imgur.com