Teachers of Reddit, did you ever hate one of your students if so what were they like?

Work in a first grade classroom - all kids make mistakes, all kids have their moments, all kids do dumb shit - it's totally cool and acceptable and they'll learn and sometimes it's cute.

But there is this one little girl. . .she just embodies hate. . .knows exactly what she's supposed to do and does the opposite, while looking at you to make sure you saw. . .if you're not paying attention she'll egg another kid into saying mean things to her so she can tell on them. . .shows no remorse and even when you're taking to her specifically about a problem she came to you with will just get bored and run to the other side of the room.

. . .she has friends and I don't know how because all she does is cause chaos in her friend group, everyone in the group gets along very well when she's absent but once she's there all hell breaks loose. She'll rat out her friends for talking to each other because she isn't included".

From what I hear her mom developed an anxiety disorder and cannot control her daughter at home, even though she has another daughter she has completely raised.

This kid. . .i cannot hate her but oh god I know that she is the embodiment of pure pure evil as a kid.

/r/AskReddit Thread