Teachers of Reddit: What is the most ridiculous thing you have heard a parent say ?

I'm a teacher and during the summer our school runs a summer program. Each registration is done over the phone or in person and every parent is informed during the registration both verbally and in writing of our rules and schedules. We start promptly at 9AM, if you're going to drop off your kid late, let us know, and all that sort of thing.

This one lady has been disrespectful and ignoring our policies all week. For example, she has been bringing her kid late EVERY morning, enough that the other kids (6-8 years old) have started calling her out on it and giving her shit. Not once did she call to give us notice.

On the last day of camp we go for an activity, the zoo, the science centre, water park, etc. On the last day, she is at least 45 minutes late, so all the kids have to wait for her and they're being whiny. Icing on the cake: she shows up with her kid and someone else's. She had told her friend about the camp and the kid really wanted to go so she figured she'd just bring him! No notice, no parental consent, nothing... her reasoning was: "you already have X kids, what's one more?"

TLDR: woman signed one kid up for summer camp and decides she will bring one more during the special activity day because why not.

/r/AskReddit Thread