Ted Cruz — who voted against Hurricane Sandy aid — calls for federal relief following Texas floods

I'm with the libertarians on some stuff but mainly it looks like a shit movement. I feel like spending 55% of the budget on defense and then having 84 million dollars spent in food stamps on bases by military or military family is some serious bullshit. We just lost 500 million in gear in Yemen when they lost their shit recently. I say bring the troops home and build better shit in America. I'm not a repub or a dem or a libertarian. I'm a flannel wearing American with a cool job and enough money to get by. It'd be great if we spent more money here on infrastructure and put people to work here vs overseas. So yeah, the libertarians have me there.
But the feel police thing infantilizes the perceived "victims" and makes it so they've got a legislative nanny removing power and responsibility from them. Look at all this sjw bullshit. The pendulum swings hard one way and you get 1984. The other side is primal anarchy. Both are terrible. My "mother in law" (not married) is a 60 year old lesbian feminist and she has said over and over again that people need to ask for change and compassion but not laws ordering feelings. Racist people exist. Homophobes exist. Misogyny and misandry are real shit. No law will change that fact. So when some deputy assistant director for the empowerment of what the fuck ever starts using my taxes to pass laws that change nothing then I've got serious issues with that persons job. Either way of the argument. I bet that plumber got away with saying faggot for years and no one said shit. But my 130 lb ass cussing him out on the job one time has allegedly changed how he talks to people. At least on the job. Multiple people have given me the "you've got balls man" line for that day. I didn't write shit, didn't blog shit, didn't need 1000 likes or upvotes to make a difference. I told that guy he was an asshole and he had options. One involved an estwing framing hammer to the knee or hip. The other was him curbing his shit mouth near me. He's got 30 years on me and makes 100k a year easy. But he listened and may have changed a little.

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