Teen Redditors (13-19), what is something important that you feel your parents should learn?

Incoming Wall of Text. Also I've had this saved and waiting to respond to a question or comment.

I don't have confirmation because I've never really heard anything about the possibility.. but I feel like I developed my sexuality over time as opposed to be born such.

I'm not gay, I'm not straight, or bi, or pan, or whatever else the gender stuff cooks up. But I am on the asexual spectrum, and the closest two that make sense to me in description are "Graysexual" and "Demisexual."

In simplistic terms, Gray Sexuality is just really low intensity sexual attraction, more often than not no attraction happens at all. Demi sexuality is where sexual attraction only happens after an "emotional connection" or something like that happens, which sounds bullshit but kinda makes sense for how I work.

The thing is, I've not always been like that. When I was in junior high, I loved girls. I'd do anything the average prepubescent teenage kid would do to try and get near a girl, and I tried to flirt and get a girlfriend and ask people to dances and whatever. Come 10th grade, I get my first actual girlfriend, success. It goes well. It lasts around 5 months, we do standard first-relationship stuff, take a while to kiss, hug a lot, little to no groping, lots of physical contact otherwise. That goes fine but whatever.

Just before the breakup is when I start to develop more serious depression. After it, I had another girlfriend almost immediately but we broke things off and stayed friends. I'd come to love her more than any other friend or the original girlfriend, and we had a giant argument and didn't talk over the summer break. Tenth grade, we get back together, and she's different. She teaches me a lot about gender and sexuality and just generally has a shit ton of knowledge about this stuff. She's heavy into sex, I realize I'm not remotely ready for that, and we break it off again because of other reasons and stay friends.

Now, I've been having really bad depression, stress from school and my memories of elementary school bullying have been repressed from my mind, my parents start fighting a lot, and my my sister moves out. I have another fight with her, lose my absolute best friend in the world, and it's just over for me. I don't know what to think anymore, I'm not sure if I loved her as a friend or truly wanted to be with her, and I never truly move on after that. Then, I find a new girl and slowly become attached to her.

It takes a really long time this time around. It takes so long that I just don't even recognize that I'm falling for her, but eventually it happens. We get together, but we don't do anything. I'm not into that. Nothing really happens, we break up, bad things happen to my mental state again, just move on to senior year.

In senior year, I get girl number 3 back, but not as a girlfriend. The breakup was over her dad not wanting her to date someone who was older (she was just going into 10th grade at this time,) so we stayed friends. She moved on for a while, and I dropped my feelings for her. I even stopped talking to her for long periods of time, she wasn't anywhere close to being my favorite person for a large majority of the year.

That's when I realized something was wrong. I didn't like anyone anymore. She could move on and date other people, but I couldn't. I didn't find anyone else attractive, nothing would even catch my eye. I'd try and push myself to ask this girl out to prom, but in the end I just decide that I really just honestly don't like her. Specifically around prom time, I literally had not talked to the third girlfriend in over a month, on my accord, purely because I didn't care to. But I didn't like anyone else.

When I started talking to her again, it didn't happen at first, but something in my mind remembered what it was like being with her the year before, and it just clicked back into place. She was the hottest thing ever. I really, actually cared about her and still do, it was the first time I'd ever really experienced what one calls love. Cheesy. Why be with anyone else, think of anything else, when I could just be with her all the time. Hell, we'd even go so far as to do things that are significantly more intimate than I'd ever felt with girl #2 (who I totally could have had sex with) or #1 (who I've since decided I didn't really like. At all. I didn't really care about her.)

We break up. I should have seen that coming, honestly. But now it just kinda feels like.. I don't have a drive anymore. Maybe it's because I haven't gotten over her, but for a while she was completely out of my life. I'd finally stopped thinking about her, there was nothing to remind me of her, and I'd slowly started to feel happy again. But social interaction wasn't the same. For three years straight, I'd been on a chain of attraction starting with the first girl, leading directly into the second, and then immediately growing attached to the third. How I fell for them was the simplest thing in the world: They liked me. I wasn't a man of standards.

But now it's different, I have plenty of new friends that you'd think are right up my alley, just my type. But I don't really have a type anymore. I don't know how to explain it. There are people that I should have fallen for that I just didn't. My brain would kinda think about it, then go meh and move on. If things get a little physical or suggestive.. well I'll let Froskurinn explain that. It's almost physically revolting to think about establishing intimacy with someone. I've actually had that feeling for a very long time, and even with the last SO. But that feeling went away with her as soon as we got really emotionally invested in the relationship. As soon my mind was fully behind the idea that we were a couple and I loved her, I felt attraction and a lust to be with her and it was the best feeling ever.

It's been a few months since we broke up. But the last time I've found any other person attractive was the girlfriend before her. But I've never felt that kind of intimate attraction before, and I don't know how I will again, because I'm too revolted by the idea of trying to get to the point.

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