Terrified for FY1

It will be ok my friend. We’ve all been there. Imposter syndrome just means that you are conscientious. Most people in medical careers are. The key is to recognise that and use it to help you rather than hinder you.

If you’re making a decision that is objectively reasonable, or performing an act that is genuinely good, why is it that everyone else is legit and you are the fraud? Im sorry but you are not special! (In that way..) You are just misinterpreting your ability to give a shit! Let your emotions motivate and not paralyse your rational brain.

I got thrown into an endo ward last year peak pandemic full of sick weird adrenal stuff and dying Covid patients after being asked to graduate early. I was genuinely bad by objective measures at first (who isnt?) and a glorified medical student except getting paid. Normal F1 had moved off because of COVID pressures so me and a gaggle of SHOs. But everyone starts somewhere.

And everyone knows that you’re new. And because you have some actual responsibility now, I guarantee you will give many more shits and want to be good at your job and absorb stuff like a sponge accordingly and skill up quickly.

Fine, you’ll be the only F1 but you’ll have seniors. If anything, that’s more time and experience directed at helping you in particular.

Nobody expects anything other than the basics at first - turn up on time, be enthusiastic, organised and eager to learn and really try hard to make life easy for the team. There’s lots of ways that you can do that. Be helpful and make life convenient for people and that’s the main measure of your success in the eyes of others. If you show willingness to make your teams life easier they will help make your life easier in turn.

But remember, F1 is a time to LEARN. People expect you to not know stuff. And you should try to make all your little mistakes and ask all your weird questions you aren’t sure about this year - eventually you’ll be the SHO and you won’t have the same luxury so do it now!

I consider myself a decent F1 and I regularly discuss weird specific nuances with colleagues and it’s actually expected that you do so, so don’t feel bad.

Overall, from my experience the best way to learn is to become, and figure out the rest after. Working as a doctor is absolutely great fun you just need to focus on doing the basics well first with a good attitude and work ethic.

You will take for granted the barrier to admission and assumed knowledge you’ve got through medical school. You do know more than you think, it’s just mapping that onto actual experiences of working.

And if all else fails and you’re feeling lost.. do an A-E. If you look at the highest flying consultants, they still make lots of their decisions based off first principles. Always go back to basics.

Hope it goes well + good luck

/r/JuniorDoctorsUK Thread