TFAB's Weekly BFP Post - December 31, 2017. Got your BFP? Post your story here!

I want to log that this happened/ is happening. You can read my post history for previous stats, if you're interested.

Cycle: TTC since June 2016. Ectopic April-June 2017. CP September 2017.

Ovulation cycle day: CD 13. Positive OPK and ovulation pain on CD 12.

Method: I was going to try SMEP. We hit O-2, O-1, and O, then got tired. :-P

Symptom spotting: All the progesterone and then those symptoms went away. I was very, very emotional. CD 27 One very specific place on one breast was tender. I thought it was just pain from fibrocystic breasts, which I do have. CD 28 Christmas Day (first very faint BFP) I was expecting my period but instead I got really bloated. CD 29 (second very faint BFP) The sore boobs and bloating disappeared and I thought I got my period. Period lasted for several days and was pretty normal for me. Cramps were maybe a little lighter than usual. Spotting for several days after my usual four day period. CD 35 New Year's Day (BFP) I decided I could no longer ignore the weird crampy feeling I had. It was the same pinchy feeling very low in one specific spot that I had felt since a week before my period. I also had very slightly tender breasts.

Day of positive test(s): CD 28, 29, and 35

Other: I went a week thinking I was no longer pregnant, just because I had what I thought was a period. But my new policy is: Once you have a positive pregnancy test, track it until it's negative or you confirm the pregnancy with your doctor.

I have heard of people getting their period when they are pregnant, but never imagined it would happen to me. I still don't know what my HCG is or what is going to happen next. To be honest, I'm not expecting much. I'm saving any excitement for later. I've already mourned this pregnancy twice: First when I didn't think I was pregnant at all and then when I was pregnant one day and wasn't the next. I don't have the energy to get excited and let down a third time.

Just got the call from my doctor to go get blood drawn for HCG. We will see . . . .

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