As a theater goer, how can we make life easier for movie theater employees the night of a first showing?

Clean up after yourselves, you don't need to sweep up the popcorn, but taking your trash with you would be greatly appreciated and we remember those who do. You never know, next time we might throw a reward your way just through acts of kindness, such as standing up for us when we're dealing with someone very difficult. Trust me, sometimes even a comment like, "God, that person was a dick" is enough to make our day feel better and/or immediately calm us down :)

Which brings me to the next point, try and remain calm when the staff are trying to resolve an issue and you can't enter the screen. 99.9% of the time some absolutely random shit has happened that we have no control over. Seriously, another opening night we had was a nightmare because people were up in arms over this, 200+ people in fact, constantly stopping us from moving and blocking our paths to say we're idiots, swearing at us or informing us that they can manage things better. Granted there were those that were sympathetic.

Look, I'm happy to let you call me an idiot, frankly I don't give a shit and if it makes you feel good about yourself then good for you, but remember that the longer you keep us standing there, the longer it'll take for the issue to be resolved. Something that could have been resolved in 15 minutes took almost 30 just because they wouldn't let us get on with it and had to get their point across. I'm not saying you will all do this, 98% of you won't.

Remember to be friendly, nice and patient with us, as difficult as it may be, we will be overwhelmed with hundreds if not thousands of people and there will be those who aren't friendly at all. We are human beings after all, the way some people treat us is just beyond awful and it's not an easy thing to cope with. It's not uncommon for some staff members to breakdown, where you guests can't see them, due to being verbally abused and it really sucks, because these are some of the most genuinely nicest people you'll ever meet and they really don't deserve it. No one does.

Enjoy the night out guys, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

/r/movies Thread