CMV: Feeding your child shitty food to the point of obesity should be considered child abuse

I'd agree only in cases where the family can comfortably afford nutritious foods, which many families are unable to do. Look at any "food stamp challenge" undertaken by a celebrity or congressmen, you'll see that they fail miserably.

Additionally, food deserts are another issue. I have the luxury of living in a city with many whole food and local produce options, plenty of farmer's markets. Many places aren't so lucky.

If the economic system in the country is so frakked that people are willing to do all their grocery shopping at a dollar store, that's a different issue than parents being lazy or thoughtless. Give parents plenty of food options and the resources and education to use them and then we'll talk about punitive measures for unhealthy children, but I'm pretty certain at that point that the issue will be mostly resolved.

/r/changemyview Thread