There’s enough injustice in the world, there is no reason to fabricate more.

You also cant assume they're always telling the truth. How about you just don't impose your rash and reactionary opinions on everyone specially when it's only amplifying the echo chamber.

No one cares that you believed her. That's the default. The problem is that everyone piled on with their self-righteous nonsense like they always do. People who persecute the accused based on social faux-pas and accusations are just sadistic bullies who would've been the same ones committing racist, religious, or sexist assaults 50+ years ago. Only now they just feel justified because social justice is the flavor.

People have been sounding these alarms for ages now and the public is just starting to see these witch hunts for what they are. A fucking detriment to people on all sides of the political spectrum. You don't get to use apathy as an excuse. Like I said that's the default. Next time be a bit more thoughtful and ask why this person is trying to rile you up. Seriously consider it. Then look at both sides and consider it some more. YOURE responsible for your opinions. No one else. If bpt had this shit on full display when the black girl was the victim, let's take responsibility and do the same now that she's not.

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