Is there an actor/actress whose movies you will not watch? If so, who and why?

The thing is that her abuse way wayyy worse than the things Johnny did. I mean, aside from the texts and the drug abuse (the latter is honestly a personal problem and shouldn't be used against him) I don't think he ever layed a finger on her. In the meantime she was mental, throwing things, yelling, slapping, and there are recordings of her calling Johnny a pussy for trying to walk away and hide.

After this, Johnny got all of the blame and lost his whole career (which already suffered from the abuse, the movies he made while being married to her were horrible) and amber just got away with it.

Yes, I know Depp wasn't an angel either, noone is. But I truly think she drove him to the edge.

(~sincerely a white 22 yo. straight until proven otherwise female)

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