There have been 7 terrorist bombings in Sweden in the last two weeks. How many have you heard about?

People wonder why the UK passed Brexit. The open boarder refugee issue is going to be the cancer that starts world war 3. You allow millions of unvetted migrants refugee status. Those refugees who have come from war torn countries have babies at twice the rate of the local majority. Five years those refugees become citizens. Those citizens apply for EU open border migrant status. They move to any country in the EU they want. Odds are they move to countries with less refugees. Those refugees in return birth more and more. Eventually those who still side with radical Islam decide to push the agenda on their new homes. Twenty to thirty years later you have World War 3. Germany is over thrown by radicals Islam and becomes the headquarters for the movement. The U.K., Russia and US team together to take back Europe. Millions of lives are lost. We can't decide which refugees are radicalized and which aren't. Innocent people are pulled from their houses and vetted. Concentration camps are set up to house all the migrants while they are throughly vetted for ties to Radical terror. EU reevaluates their open border policy.

/r/conspiracy Thread