There has been a wave of criticism after Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said he sexually assaulted a maid, having recalled confessing to a priest how he reached into the maid's underwear as she slept. Women's rights group Gabriela said Duterte was "unworthy of his position and should resign".

Encouraging citizens to kill suspected drug dealers and USERS outside of the justice system.

Paying bounties to police specifically for killing, rather than apprehending, drug users and ignoring the many documented cases where cops are planting evidence in order to collect the bounties.

Bragging about his involvement in organizing a citizen death squad to round and murder people for petty crimes including CHILDREN.

Yes, the dude is a fucking mass murderer. And given his tactics, he would be a mass murderer even if the blatant lies he tells to justify his tactics were actually true.

And since I saw your comment elsewhere about the death penalty in the US, let me just add that I do vehemently oppose the death penalty, but even I would never compare the execution of convicted murderers in extreme cases with the mass extrajudicial slaughter of SUSPECTED petty criminals including children.

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