Was there ever a time when people could read the bible easily?

The church is comprised of everyone who is saved, including me.

Where does the Bible say that?

You seem to think it is only comprised of certain men, this is not biblical.

If the Church is not comprised of men, what exactly is it comprised of? And how is "everyone who is saved" not a "group of men"?

I guess it is natural for people to always think they have the right way and everyone else is wrong.

This is also what you do.

Jesus said that everyone standing there wouldn't pass away until they saw the kind of God.

What are you talking about?

If it did we we'd already be living outside of time, which we arent.

What are you talking about?

I never said all others are wrong

Yes you did: "I realized a long time ago that no 1 religion is 100% right".

Again: "every Christian religion I came across contradicted the Bible in some way without exception."

I said everyone is wrong somewhere including me

So if you are wrong, why are you arguing that you are not wrong?

I am stating that we are all wrong somewhere, just as we are all sinners. No man is perfect and if they claim to be the truth is not in them. You show me any man who claims to be 100% right all the time and I'll show you a lier.

So how do you know that you aren't wrong about your private interpretations of the Bible?

I didn't say Paul was infallible, I said what he wrote in the Bible was infallible and this is simply because the scriptures were written by the inspiration of God.

Similarly, I don't believe that any man is infallible either. But just like you believe the Holy Ghost preserved the Scriptures from error (as do I) I also believe that the Holy Ghost protects the Church from error. Same principle.

You continuously keep claiming that I say I'm infallible where I have never said that. I simply state that all men are fallable. Including your scholars.

You specifically claimed that the Holy Ghost guides your interpretation of the Bible. How then can any of your interpretations be wrong? Why would the Holy Ghost lead you to interpretations that aren't true?

The Bible names the two witnesses as prophets.

What are you talking about?

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