Is there a place in the world where a childfree life isn't questioned/looked down upon? (28/F)

I guess it depends a lot on one's social cycle, mainly. If family and relatives are annoying, or otherwise great friends, its tough. I am lucky that my friends are supportive and my family might be a bit sad but I don't think they'd ever bingo or even want to bingo me. I'm German and my experience with the general public and acquaintances, colleagues etc. is that in close to 100 percent they know their place. You'll never know they probably disagree or find you odd because they just accept it. It's a bit odd but I'm happy this way. It's as if people think this is an entire normal topic if conversation because obviously all will agree. Then when a CF person his them with a different view they suddenly realize that it IS actually a very personal topic and will change to platitudes like "whatever makes you happy", "I understand, not everyone wants to be a parent "," so cool of you to know what you want " etc.
I am friendly with my almost all female colleagues. I am in best marriage and child bearing age, they are a little younger and it's odd to see them all so hooked. They are also fools who can not take a hint. When they were all discussing future kids when we were all having coffee break, I stayed silent, smiled, listened and sipped my coffee. Instead of taking the hint, in a particularly heavy talking pause, one gathered up the courage to ask me if the SO and I want kids. I told them want none. The reactions were nice, now we always joke that only I will left to do all the work when the 90 percent of our staff. The German culture and society are not child friendly. They try to but it's far from pronatalism. I think it's a great place to live as a CF. But it really very much depends who you're caught up with. It's a bit sad but it seems that in my age group people are simply divided, only few aren't. There are the hipster diy mums or the prolific careerists or party /hobby people. I guess I am just lucky because in my age hardly anyone has kids yet and statistically many of us won't. I kinda hope it stays that way. The experiences in libraries, spas, Cafés, public transport are overall good and as many people here wish them to be, but I think this will change. The rift between pro kid people and CF people and a very pro kid but not willing to pay for kids politics will very likely become more severe. I am not looking forward to that. But at least so far it has been a great and dandy place to be CF because having kids here is the same as economical and social suicide. Children aren't really worth anything here and nobody will worship parents. Parents are very timid people here because they have lots to prove but nothing to gain. If you have kids in Germany, you really really really have to like it and be in for it, otherwise it just isn't worth it at all.

/r/childfree Thread