There's a medical problem that marijuana might be able to help that no one is talking about - "The idea behind High Sobriety is simple: Help addicts stop abusing the substances that are causing them the most harm, and use cannabis as a tool to do so."

Anyone struggling to live a normal life, bed ridden with mental illness and or addiction with no hope in sight please read this.

Cannabis and Kratom saved my life. Huge coincidence they're schedule 1 in the US. Cannabis cured me of epilepsy and debilitating mental illness that robbed me of most of my prime. I've been on nearly every single pharmaceutical psychotropic that exists over the course of 18 years, that's how desperate I was. I have experienced electro convulsants therapy. I spent my last year of high school in a hellish public mental hospital in South Africa. I've experienced a hell I can't describe. I've had my character torn to shreds and lived most of my life without any dignity whatsoever.

I am now completely off medication. I beat my addictions that were killing me. I'm alive right now and I should not have been had it not been for sheer blind luck I got fucked over by my dealer who gave me a bag of CBD weed no one wanted. Didn't get high but I felt alive for the first time since I was 16. I trusted my doctors. They were doing what they thought was right but the entire structure of modern medicine is corrupted and insidiously destroying millions of lives over the course of the last century. There is a revolution coming. These aren't just plants, they represent freedom and liberation of consciousness. We speak of dark ages, but this will be remembered as the darkest of them all. If you're struggling with addiction or mental illness PM me and I'll sort you out with some literature and resources. I have been bed ridden and in dysphoric agony for the majority of my life...doctors had written me off as a treatment resistant patient. I'm trying to be compassionate with my anger but it's difficult. There is hope. If you're in the darkness like I was, please know there is a way out.

/r/Futurology Thread Link -