"there's no such thing as high functioning and low functioning autism lol"

This lumping Autism together shit is why every time I ask for help, I'm told I'll benefit from going into a group with low functioning Autism to learn the most basic aspects of independence, like teaching toddlers how to live on their own. It's why when I ask for help being social I get told don't bother, because all Autistic people must be hopelessly socially limited. It's why I had to teach myself to be social because every single support group was focused on baby sitting low functioning Autistics. Why I have cried several times about how having Asperger's is useless because all people hear is someone to baby sit their low functioning Autistic child, not someone who needs support. Parents of low functioning Autism hear me mention Asperger's Syndrome in public and send their low functioning kids over to make fwiends with me. I can't say no cause that's discrimination, and I could've been like their child.

How about I don't want fucking low functioning Autistic people around me because I have a right to have a life, to not be used and dragged down by low functioning Autistics and their parents looking for someone higher functioning to raise their child for them. Taking away Asperger's as a separate diagnosis brought nothing but suffering to those with Asperger's while Autistic people danced around singing, "Now you're retarded tooo!" You know who needs those resources, people who have a chance at doing something more than being baby sitted al their lives. The ones who can function. Instead it all goes to providing daycare to Autistic kids who will do little more than flap their arms and make sounds. Oh and there's also the issue of acting violent, or as they claim violence is a form of communication. By all means though why not make it easier for Autistic people who put others at risk with their violent meltdowns right? Meanwhile those of us with Asperger's Syndrome have to fight to get help, those of us who have the possibility of leading a life. I didn't get around to the issue of me being female among teenage Autistic boys not taught the birds and bees, and you don't touch women. If they do anything it's "They can't help it!" and "You're mmmeeeaaannn! How dare you tell my son you don't want to waste your life being his caretaker, by saying you don't want to be a girlfriend to a manchild who can barely speak!"

After all of what I ranted about I now have PTSD, I literally will have a visceral "Fuck no!" reaction to low functioning Autistic people. I worry and cry at the thought of being used by the parents of Autistic people again, being told I'm a horrible person not to sacrifice my life to their child because of how I was born. That's all high functioning Asperger's people are to them, someone to bully into caretaking for their children. Using guilt to manipulate someone obviously depressed as I was, I mean full Goth depressed. I don't know how I'll act now around an Autistic person because I can't take their invasion of my boundaries anymore. Not being allowed to tell them no. For goodness sake, do the parents of Autistic people think it's in their child's best interest to be put in a group with someone like me? Psychologists do they think it's a good idea? Pushing someone who has had any empathy they could've had for Autistic people abused out of them. I'm mad, I don't care about their feelings anymore because they sure as hell don't care about mine. I don't want to have to make an Autistic person cry, but if it takes that for their parents to understand I want to be left the fuck alone so be it. I hate that it has come to where I have to be fucking blatant, because parents of Autistic kids don't appreciate the word no, and their kids feel entitled to a girlfriend. Hell no, they cannot collect women like Pokemon cards. If their parents want to delude themselves that their Autistic child will ever be capable of an appropriate relationship with a woman, they need to keep that to themselves.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - imgur.com