Here's the thing.

Your point is well made, and well taken. The idea isn't to essentially be a slave to dopamine the rest of your life, trading 'iron chains for golden chains' as it were.

Rather, it's to try and appreciate as objectively as possible why we all sought out or seek out porn, and why the cravings are so strong. Merely saying "we enjoy it" isn't enough. I mean, many people in here enjoy watching football or listening to music -- but if that were somehow taken away, they wouldn't be climbing onto Reddit at 3am desperate to avoid a relapse (well, maybe if they were Cleveland Brown fans...heh...uhh...nevermind).

Once you realize how your brain deals with dopamine, instead of unconsciously kicked around all day doing things that are unproductive and unhealthy (and watching porn and MOing is both), you can flip it around -- you can be in charge, and consciously seek out activities that make you feel good, and will help you build willpower. You don't even have to think about dopamine or make it part of the equation. You will just want to do the things that you do (exercise, study, manage your time better, be nicer to your family, whatever).

It's not about replacing one habit with another. It's about trading up and being a stone cold pragmatist with your own life.

Hope this helps!

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