Things are not looking good for cyberpunk 2077

Surely many people will call this clickbait bs because of low amount of reviews but if you guys research enough, you'll figure out that it's not even a glassdoor thing.... there are plenty of other things going around. Damien Monnier who seemed extremely passionate about working in cdpr suddenly leaving without any proper explanation and directing to the management when he was asked, many other talents leaving, the extreme passive nature of managing their gwent standalone version, the rumor of all the pre-production (for cyberpunk) getting binned, the years after years of same complains getting repeated, only 33 million pln spent behind developers and development of a studio of 600+ workers where low salary is a huge complain (and the profit was 119 million pln, almost 3.5 times larger amount even after spending a huge amount to pay the shareholders). It's true that the situation may not be nearly as worse as mentioned in glassdoor, but surely something is going on internally. If it was any other studio, I wouldn't give a shit about it. But I'm worried about it for a while because I really really love cdpr... if they go down the wrong path, that will be a loss for the entire gaming industry. I've seen valve not making games for many years because of massive source of money (steam) and then announcing a card game, I've seen rockstar moving from almost yearly schedule to no games for over 4-5 years because of gta online, I've seen the upside down transformation of bioware and many other studios, don't wanna see another incident like this.

And remember folks, the companies like ea or ubisoft that you hate so much and praise that cdpr is not like them.... once upon a time they used to be great too and used to take risks to push the industry. There has been ups and downs and there will be, no guaranty that the same fate is not waiting for cdpr. If the situation of the studio is just as bad as mentioned in the reviews, then that's a bad sign. You can pull off one witcher 3 with that environment, cpb 2077 may turn out great too because many talents are still willing to work there to enrich their CV but in the long run, things are bound to go down. If something is happening, cdpr better sort this out quickly.

/r/cyberpunkgame Thread Link -