Apple blocking ads that follow users around web is 'sabotage', says industry: New iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra will stop ads following Safari users, prompting open letter claiming Apple is destroying internet’s economic model

which is faster and more efficient

could it be because everyone is treating wireless tech as a fad to throw in to some phones and nobody is actually trying to advance it because of lack of competition and investment? nah, it's probably because it's just bad tech that will never take off and has no future.

This is like saying that we have no way to go to Mars so we should stay here, of course we don't have it if everyone just gave up, this is how technological development works, we have to work for it and start as soon as possible not wait for decades just saying "it's not good enough so let's stay where we are" with that attitude we won't get anywhere. We need to start using the new tech even if it's not good enough, mass adoption is first step. When iPhone came out smartphones had been around for years but nobody did shit with them, nobody actually tried, they just made shitty prototypes and said "well, maybe next year.." after iPhone everyone started to listen, started to create and compete, started to develop touch interfaces, started to work on these problems. When shit starts out it's never perfect, SSD's don't hold terabytes and aren't cheap but they hold promise of a better future for storage. Apple killed floppy disk years before everyone else, you think people didn't complain about that? or missing keyboard on touchscreen phones? people complain about everything, fuck em', this is for they're own good.

There are limits to what cables can do, there is no limit to wireless tech could do, wireless charging for whole cities, unlimited number of devices and cars, no cables or ports, this is the future, not now but some day, and billion dollar tech companies have the resources to get there faster, I don't care what motivation is, just to sell thinner phones or make money on Bluetooth headphones, outcome is the same. You have to start somewhere and start now and tech companies still have not reached a point where someone comes out every years and says "we have really improved this tech, you can send files faster, you can charge devices from lager distances we bough 10 companies and hired a ton of people to get here", we are still at a point where wireless is just a neat concept that nobody cares about. Not enough people are working to solve these problems, there is lack of interest and investment and development.

I never cared about cables, even when wireless tech didn't exist, how many headphones I had to replace because of broken cables or try to fix, over and over again, bought Bluetooth headphones been using them for years. It's annoying when solution to so many problems is right there but companies don't want to go all in before they are sure that people won't scream they're heads off.

shit, some random company makes this and best billion dollar companies can come up with is shit charging pads? really? they just don't give a shit, they are not treating this tech seriously enough, purchasing shitty VR companies and they can't be bothered with properly developing wireless tech, Apple is too busy with drooling over AR.. what will also need wireless charging and data transfer unless you want USB ports on your glasses, one thing leads to another, nobody just come up with an answer, it's years of work from thousands of people so that should start now, or 10 years ago.

rant over.

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