Those eyes!

But treating women as Only sexual beings

I just don't think this is happening with the frequency at which you think it is. I'll go back to what I said about this particular gif. Men who might make a gif like this would get zero attention. Obviously there are specific comments in here that could be dismissing women's opinions or thoughts, but the general perspective of this thread is this woman is sexually attractive. She isn't displaying any thoughts or opinions in the gif, so there's no thoughts or opinions to dismiss there.

You see this type of thread as women only being sexually objectified, but if you apply that logic, then you see men as nothing. You're not in a thread where a man is slightly crossing his eyes and sticking his tongue out. You're not talking about that. So if you aren't talking about it, then does that mean you see men as nothing? No, I don't agree with that. I don't think you see it that way. But it goes the same way for men. Just because they choose to talk about sex with this woman in the gif doesn't mean that's all they care about, it's just one thing they choose to talk about, and it's primarily because sex is one of the more important things for men. You can't make assumptions like that, just because you aren't talking about men in gifs doesn't mean you don't care about men, but just because men are talking about sex in a gif of this woman doesn't mean that's all they think of women.

Now to loop back, the other parts you mentioned such as dismissing women's opinions or thoughts do happen with some frequency, but it's impossible to determine what portion of men are actually contributors to that. The vast majority of comments in this thread I would say certainly don't fall under that description.

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