Very serious. I have had a whole family that was into selling drugs and guns threaten my life when I had to testify about 5 of them beating up a government informant at my job. The local police never took any of my calls about it serious. I had to have the ATF/FBI agent go to the local police station to have a talk with all of them.
I had a neighbor that sold drugs and was raided twice before they finally locked him up for good. Crackheads and other low lives were walking near my house 24/7.
If I fear my families members life or mine is in danger, I have no problem putting the threat down. I will even make myself something to eat as I wait for the slow ass cops to show.
And yes for going after tyrants. You liberals think it will not happen, keep pushing and all hell is going to break loose in this country. And after decades of you all calling the police and service members racists, baby killers, and worse, do you really think they will stand on the side that wats to rip up the Bill of Rights? lol
And limiting rounds bought or magazine limits will never work. There are so many standard 30 round magazines for AR15's out there being sold and printed that our brothers and sisters stuck in communist states will have no problem getting some just handed to them. I try to buy as many as I can and never open the package. Here's 25 for you, and you, and you, and you... and there is a barrel of 556 right there, fill them up and take a few cans/bags full.