Thought our newborn slept through the night.

Came to make this comment. No one will call it out because it plays into the entire reddit rhetoric that women are terrible and dudes are the unsung sufferers of everything.

This is said so often about both sides of so many arguments that it has no meaning.

I'm sorry that you feel like this website is out to get you, but it's made of a ton of different groups of different people. Depending on the time of day, week, and year, this comment thread could be wildly different. I see people talking about how anti-woman/pro-man about as much as I actually see that stuff, which is about as much as I see the same fights about racism, xenophobia, etc.

How can you say no one will call it out in response to someone calling it out? How does that make sense to you? And it's getting upvoted at a pretty steady rate!

Stop being offended for a second and try and have a conversation instead of just assuming reddit is out to fuck your rights. Wanna know why it isn't getting brought up more? It's a good point on it's own, but isn't something OP was really referencing. In his post, it contextually points to the fact that a couple can fight about men not having the physical ability to feed a baby as an irrational and sleep deprived argument. He wasn't talking about breastfeeding in public and how that is viewed.

And when the breastfeeding thing comes up, the most common thing I've heard is that people think we should get over this whole overblown fear of nudity and let women do what their bodies are naturally created to do with children if they are willing and able.

But I've also seen the other side where people are assholes. It's not reddit. It's people.

the entire reddit rhetoric

Do you understand at all that reddit, by it's very nature, has no rhetoric? It's the users. And you have the ability to choose the groups you see and talk with as well.

So what are you actually pissed off at? That some people can be insensitive sometimes? That sometimes people are wrong? La dee fucking da. Welcome to life.

This is one of those situations you're not trying to improve... you're just making a comment about how much above the general reddit userbase as you see them you are.

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