Feeling kind of dirty after foursome

I actually didn't want him to be hurt or upset, but without getting into every single detail of our long history there's been a lot of resentment over the years on my part due to his pattern of behavior, particularly when he drinks, which isn't very often but he tends to go way overboard and forget I exist. If there's a guy in the room he finds attractive he'll go after them without discussing it with me first and it'll lead to an argument.

On the rare occasions we'll be at a gay club I'll sometimes come back from the bathroom and see him dancing with friends we brought along and making out, but if I do the exact same thing with the exact same person after he's already done it then he gets insanely jealous. Or he'll get really emotionally attached to a straight guy (not just this one from high school, others since we've been together as well) and start thinking he's in love with them but really he's just being shallow and going for their looks every time. These guys don't even want to talk to him anymore once they get wind that he's gay and crushing on them so I don't feel threatened by it but it still makes me feel bad.

Shit like this has worn me down over the years to the point that I do feel like if he doesn't want to either 1) be totally faithful to me or 2) open up and have fun with me that he should just leave. It's not a constant issue but it does come up more often than I'd like.

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