Thousands of Palestinians mass at Gaza-Israel border for the start of a 6 week-long protest

Look, even if Israel has done wrong (and they historically they have given Palestinians the raw deals, let's not mince words), Gaza has only made their own situation worse by continuously resorting to violence. They've isolated themselves from cooperating with the PA, and they toss, uhhhh, Rockets over the border like it's a hobby. Are you fucking kidding me?

If you ask me, Gaza does not deserve Israel. That isn't to say that Israel completely deserves Israel either. But to hammer in the point that just cuz' Gaza are the victims don't mean they the good guys either. People don't deserve things just because they're having a hard time. Gaza is behaving like the mentally ill homeless person who tries to mug you. Fuck that guy.

If you ask me, both Israel and Palestine should just screw the whole religion thing, and press a big fat reset button on relations. Once you screw the religion, what is there for Jews and Arabs to fight about? What types of hummus to spread on pita chip?

People should just... invent a new culture, or something. Wake up from the Matrix and realize that concepts such as "Jew" and "Arab" are malleable. Replace Jews and Arabs with a common culture and no religion. Call it Kekistan, or something. The name is not important, as long as people realize that they are no different from one and other.

Behold. I have solved the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, peace in the middle east! Too bad they won't listen, and that very reason is exactly why they don't deserve the land.

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