I have three degrees. Why am I delivering your lunch?

I hate the idea that you should be able to get a degree in anything and instantly have a good well paid job in that field. What if you have chosen the most filled job field on market where people work until they retire at 65 or beyond? Thats your own fault for choosing a flooded market. There's this idea that you should be able to choose what ever you want to do and do it, when in my opinion you should be doing research in late highschool and choosing your favorite choice of jobs that are predicted to be needed and lacking people. This is what I did in grade 12 (grad 2000) and I have been working full time since 1 week out of highschool in the field I choose since 2002 with only 3 weeks layoff time in 15 years. I have 40k saved in RRSP, a 2007 Tacoma fully paid and will be buying a house in the next year or so. Im single too and have been for 15 years so only working with my own income this entire time. I just think that these people chose the wrong field of work, and that is their own fault.

/r/canada Thread Link - theglobeandmail.com